My little Zach... what can I say. This last week has been more than frustrating with him. Melt down after melt down. I've become really good at ignoring them. Yesterday morning, Zach head butted me and gave me a fat lip and it was all down hill from there so by the time it was 7:00 last night he knew he was in trouble and going to bed early. Zach was pulling my hair while Jacob was trying to say our nightly prayers. I set Zach at the other end of the couch and Jacob and I folded our arms, then Zach did too with out being asked. Jacob started the pray and Zach shouted "Ah-mah! (Amen!)" We had to stop and cheer and laugh with Zach. After that, every time Jacob tried to start our prayers over Zach would clap and cheer. Its a dang good thing he knows when to turn on the charm or else I wouldn't get out of bed in the morning.