Monday, July 28, 2014

Just an update!

A lot has changed since I posted last. Here is a quick update and then I will back track and write about our trip to Hawaii and other Summer happenings.

Sommer is such a beautiful girl. I am in awe of her big blue eyes. She is short but very, very strong. For better or worse she is stronger than Zach was at this age. I have big dreams of her becoming a gymnastics champion because most gymnastics are known for being short and strong, just like Sommer. I show her a couple of gymnastics you tube videos everyday while we do her physical therapy for her torticollis.

She doesn't giggle much but Zach can get a good laugh out of her when he is being naughty. And what am I supposed to do when I want to here my girl laugh? She thinks it is hilarious when he throws his blocks in the air and they come crashing down all around her. (This of course makes me incredibly nervous.) She also likes it when he hits the walls with his Nerf axe and when he crashes his hot wheels together. Goofy girl.

As for Zach I feel like we are getting to the other end of a very rough patch with him. It took him a while to warm up to Sommer but I think he is getting used to her now. He loves to play in the dirt. swim, and "run fast." I'd say those are his top two activities. He his extremely tall- about a 1/2 a head taller than other boys his age. He loves to go to church and play in the nursery. He tells us all about it on the way home. He his learning his letters and numbers too and becoming a very good talker. I am starting to have real conversations with him.

I am constantly blown away at what this boy remembers. The other day we were in the garage and he found a pumpkin bucket for trick or treating. He pointed to it and said, "treats in the dark?" That was over six months ago!! He also has a very active imagination. Yesterday he crawled under Jacob and wanted fight the pretend zombies.

He is such a fun boy and has become very obedient. It kind of makes my heart hurt sometimes (in a good way) about how good he has been lately. I almost hate to write this because I don't want to jinx his good behavior. (Knock on wood.)
I love my cute little ones.

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