Saturday, October 23, 2010

Boise and Dallas

I have not updated for a while mostly because there hasn't been anything interesting going on. Jacob does his homework and I go to work. I clean on Saturdays and Jacob does his homework.

I was happy to get a break from this routine when we went to Boise to watch a BSU Football game. The stadium looks much smaller in person. We had open seating in an end zone and by the time we got there, we had to squeeze between two large men. Thankfully, this game was a quick blow out and by the third quarter the crowd was starting to thin. My dad said it was such a slow game that the cheer leaders were being interviewed on T.V. We had a great time anyways.
Let me tell you something about Boise State fans. They are intense. I did not see one person at the game that did not have a Boise State shirt on. I have been to football games and sporting events before, but I had never seen anything like this. Even walking around Boise during the day, half the people had Boise State shirts on. The Bronco fans are nuts. They even color coordinate.One of the guys in our section missed the memo that he was supposed to wear blue and wore orange instead. I bet he felt dumb.

Harold took us out to Mexican on Saturday and chauffeured us so we could use his Costco card. We love Costco, but I was really disappointed in the samples. Cheryl made us a delicious dinner on Sunday. Roast, salad, baked potatoes and fruit. Yum! While Cheryl was making dinner she went out in the back yard and pulled a cantaloupe right out of her garden and we ate it with dinner. I am still so impressed and that was one of the best cantaloupes I have had.

In other events, Jacob went to Dallas last week. He was impressed with the sky scrappers.He also met a cow named Rosie. She belongs to the service missionaries in Dallas. The long horn cow doesn't get as much attention. It is not cute like Rosie.

He visited Southwest, Bank of America twice, Travelocity/Sabre, Wells Fargo, Merrill Lynch, FDIC, Northwestern Mutual, JC Penny, Coamerica, AT&T, The Analysis Group, JP Morgan Chase and Pier 1 Imports. Did Pier 1 seem out of place to anyone else? He said he made a lot of great connections and he is going to work on thank you cards and staying in touch. He has decided that he wants to work for a bank at least for a little bit in the future, but he'd be happy to intern at any one of these places.

And I slept so great while he was gone. Right in the middle of the bed a whole 8 hours.

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