Saturday, October 23, 2010

Our first...


Jacob and I decided to build a scarecrow for our date night tonight. We went to D.I., bought a chair, a shirt and a hat and went to K-Mart and bought a pumpkin head. Then we collected all of Jacob's Wall Street Journals he is supposed to be reading for a class, crinkled them up and shoved them down his pants. We found an old pillow for the stomach and this is what our little guy looks like.
(The dead plant is supposed to be there.)

I feel like our little guy is missing something. Maybe some patches on his jeans. We considered stealing some hay from the straw mazes. Jacob was was against my idea to make hands out of plastic knives or blinging him out with dollar store jewelery.

From now until we put up Christmas decorations our new friend will be welcoming us home and protecting our house while we are away. I have all my confidence in him.

1 comment:

The Smiths said...

The kids and I love it! What a fun idea for a date night.
